
Public Colleges near Columbus, Ohio

3 schools in city, 4 schools near by

Ohio Core StatisticsCompare all Ohio Colleges

Columbus is a city in Ohio and it is the county seat of Franklin county. Its population is 1,562,009. There are 7 colleges near Columbus, Ohio - all public schools. 3 colleges are located in the city limit and 4 colleges are in 30 miles from Columbus. All schools provide undergraduate programs and 1 school offers graduate programs.
A total of 92,647 students is attending one of those schools and its average 2024 tuition is $18,224 (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges). The acceptance rate of the schools is 76.36% and the average SAT score submitted by enrolled students is 1,400.
7 Public Colleges near Columbus, Ohio
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
Columbus State Community College
In Columbus
2-4 years
$10,917 ($5,338) Not Offered 25,129 17 to 1
Ohio State University-Main Campus
In Columbus
$38,365 ($12,859) $41,227 ($13,497) 60,540 17 to 1
Adult and Community Education-Hudson
In Columbus
less than 2-years
$18,000 Not Offered 35 9 to 1
Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools
8.7 miles from Columbus
less than 2-years
$8,500 Not Offered 72 3 to 1
Ohio University-Lancaster Campus
27.2 miles from Columbus
$9,170 ($6,178) Not Offered 1,994 18 to 1
Ohio State University-Newark Campus
29.0 miles from Columbus
$34,718 ($9,212) Not Offered 2,263 27 to 1
Central Ohio Technical College
29.0 miles from Columbus
$7,896 ($5,136) Not Offered 2,614 13 to 1