Reg Alternative Plus Self Project/roanoke City

Academic Summary
Public Alternative
School Type
5 to 1
Students to Teacher Ratio

School Overview

Reg Alternative Plus Self Project/roanoke City is a public Alternative school located in Roanoke, Virginia. It is a school in Reg Alternative Plus Self Project/roanoke City district.

It has 81 students through grade to . The students to teacher ratio is 5 to 1 where a total of 17 teachers are teaching for the school.

Student Population

A total of 81 students are attending Reg Alternative Plus Self Project/roanoke City. By gender, there are 54 and 27 female students at the school.

Teachers & Staffs

Total 17 full-time (or equivalent) teachers work for Reg Alternative Plus Self Project/roanoke City and the students to teacher ratio is 5 to 1. All teachers are certified. 94.1% of teachers have 3 or more years teaching experiences.

Total FTE of Teachers17Students per teacher: 5 to 1
Teachers who are certified17100.0%
Teachers who are not certified--
Teachers in their first year of teaching15.9%
Teachers in their second year of teaching--
School counselors1Students per counselor: 81 to 1
Law Enforcement Officer--
Security guards1-
Social workers--

Private Schools in ROANOKE, Virginia

11 private schools are serving students in ROANOKE, Virginia. The next lists are showing the private schools by offering level.

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