Pleasant View

Academic Summary
School Type
12 to 1
Students to Teacher Ratio
Ocean View Elementary School District (Orange County) Living Summary view more
Total Population
Average House Value
Average Housing Rent
Average Household Income
Health Insurance Coverage
Household with Internet

School Overview

Pleasant View is a public school located in Huntington Beach, California. It is a school in Ocean View Elementary School District (Orange County) district.

It has 164 students through grade to . The students to teacher ratio is 12 to 1 where a total of 14 teachers are teaching for the school.

Student Population

A total of 164 students are attending Pleasant View. By gender, there are 104 and 60 female students at the school.

Teachers & Staffs

Total 14 full-time (or equivalent) teachers work for Pleasant View and the students to teacher ratio is 12 to 1. All teachers are certified. All teachers have 3 or more years teaching experiences.

Total FTE of Teachers14Students per teacher: 12 to 1
Teachers who are certified14100.0%
Teachers who are not certified--
Teachers in their first year of teaching--
Teachers in their second year of teaching--
School counselors--
Law Enforcement Officer--
Security guards--
Social workers--

Social/Economic Characteristics

A total of 36,419 households is located in Ocean View Elementary School District (Orange County), CA area. The average home price is $716,000 and the average rent cost is $1,877. The unemployment rate is 4.60% and the average household income is $91,312.
You can view more living characteristics in Ocean View Elementary School District (Orange County) area at social and economic page.
Total Households36,419 Households
Child Population29,911
Total Housing Units38,060 Units
Average House Value$716,000
Average Rent Cost$1,877
Unemployment Rate4.60%
Average Household Income$91,312
Heath Insurance Coverage94.60%
Internet Coverage100.00%%

Public Schools in Ocean View

In Ocean View, 16 schools are serving students in its area. The next lists are showing the public schools by offering level.

Private Schools in HUNTINGTON BEACH, California

16 private schools are serving students in HUNTINGTON BEACH, California. The next lists are showing the private schools by offering level.

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