
Selected Colleges Comparison

Total PopulationUndergraduateGraduateOnline Classes

Total Student Population Comparison

The total student population of selected colleges is 9,274 with 5,424 female students and 3,850 male students. This enrollment statistics is based on the latest data from IPEDS, U.S. Department of Education for academic year 2022-2023. The following table compares the student population for both undergraduate and graduate schools between selected colleges.
Among the selected colleges, Butler University has the most enrolled students of 5,525, while Saint Meinrad School of Theology has the least number of students of 175 for both in graduate and undergraduate programs.
Student Population Comparison Between Selected Colleges
Butler University 5,5252,169 3,356
Earlham College 677311 366
University of Evansville 2,017773 1,244
Oakland City University 880446 434
Saint Meinrad School of Theology 175151 24
Total9,274 3,8505,424

Undergraduate Student Population

The total undergraduate population of selected colleges is 7,455 with 4,338 female students and 3,117 male students. The following table compares 2022-2023 undergraduate enrollment between selected colleges.
Among the selected colleges, Butler University has the most enrolled undergraduate students of 4,427, while Earlham College has the least number of undergraduate students of 612.
Undergraduate Student Population Comparison Between Selected Colleges
Butler University 4,4271,785 2,642
Earlham College 612285 327
University of Evansville 1,717674 1,043
Oakland City University 699373 326

Graduate Student Population

The total graduate population of selected colleges is 1,819 with 1,086 female students and 733 male students. The following table compares 2022-2023 graduate enrollment between selected colleges.
Among the selected colleges, Butler University has the most enrolled graduate students of 1,098, while Earlham College has the least number of graduate students of 65.
Graduate Student Population Comparison Between Selected Colleges
Butler University 1,098384 714
Earlham College 6526 39
University of Evansville 30099 201
Oakland City University 18173 108
Saint Meinrad School of Theology 175151 24

Distance Learning (Online Class) Enrollment

The following table compares 2022-2023 distance learning enrollment for both undergraduate and graduate programs between selected colleges. In undergraduate programs, out of total 7,455 students, 68 students (0.91%) have taken courses only through distance learning and 1,892 students (25.38%) have learned from at least one online course. For graduate schools, out of total 1,819 students, 528 students (29.03%) have taken courses only through distance learning and 144 students (7.92%) have learned from at least one online course.
Online Course (Distance Learning) Population Comparison Between Selected Colleges
TotalOnline ExclusivelySome Online ClassesTotalOnline ExclusivelySome Online Classes
Butler University 4,427 10
1,098 425
Earlham College 612 - -65 23
University of Evansville 1,717 25
300 4
Oakland City University 699 33
181 51
Saint Meinrad School of Theology No Undergraduate Level Courses Offered175 25
Average7,455 68
1,819 528