
Does Bard College Albion Correctional Facility offer the master (MS) degree?

No. Bard College - Albion Correctional Facility does not offer Master's Degree program. The next table lists number of programs by offered degree and online availability at Bard College - Albion Correctional Facility.
2022-2023 Offered Degrees and Number of Programs
Bard College - Albion Correctional Facility
Award LevelTotal Number of ProgramsAvailable Online Class
Associate's DegreeProgram offered but the number of programs is not available/reported.
Bachelor's DegreeProgram offered but the number of programs is not available/reported.

What is the Master's degree?

An award that requires the successful completion of a program of study of at least the full-time equivalent of 1 but not more than 2 academic years of work beyond the bachelor's degree.
Some of these degrees, such as those in Theology (M.Div., M.H.L./Rav) that were formerly classified as 'first-professional', may require more than two full-time equivalent academic years of work.

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